More Videos of Ward

These unrelated videos might offer some insight into how I got around to making wiki or what informs my latest version, federated wiki.


Restoration of a Simulator of two great machines. 35 min.


Starting Software Patterns recored at PLoP. 3 min.

Wiki to the Future by POSSIBLE Agency. 6 min.


Hacking Social Impact by Social Venture Society. 2 min.

Becoming Bike Oriented at Ignite Portland. 5 min.


Brain Storm by Portland Monthly. 4 min.

Exploratory Parsing by TAO Ignite. 5 min.

Jay Cross Interview via internet. 8 min.

Symbionomics by Alan Rosenblith. 20 min.


Community Fiber for City of Portland. 2 min.

Robot Dance after hacks from Dorkbot. 1 min.

Wiki's 15th Birthday at 2 min.


Swim System at Alt.NET Redmond. 65 min.

Mehaffy Lightning interviewed by me. 6 min.

Codosome Hexis with Jim Larson. 3 min.

Redesigning Agility workshop report. 3 min.

Wiki's Opportunities summary to an interview. 2 min.

Wikis4SE Workshop introduction to ICSE. 3 min.

Wiki's 14th Birthday at 2 min.


Secoder Modeled in Quartz Composer. 1 min.

Dial-a-Door Recovered by Amber Case at Dorkbot. 3 min.

Bacteria Designed Computers for Dorkbot. 31 min.