More About Wiki

We launched this project in the summer of 2011 after considering federation as early as 1997 only a few years after creating the first wiki in 1995. Our work has been open source from its founding. There are many ways to learn, use and contribute to this project.

The project is small in number of concepts. We've been slow to finish what we first thought would be a weekend project because each feature we add has many unexpected properties to be explored.

The Federated Wiki Videos are numbered screencasts recorded every month or so to document progress and encourage participation. We've organized them by categories to emphasize the stories they tell.

See Federated Wiki Sites where we write about our experience writing and using this software. This page will temporarily add these sites to your neighborhood where they can be searched and watched for recent changes.

Other Services

We use a few other free services where they complement wiki's capabilities or are simply expected of an open source project.

Read source and documentation online at github

We've keep some notes on github's wiki

We video chat wednesdays at 10am pacific on google

We announce new screencasts and chats on twitter